Pâtissière & Botanist

Fifire Fire

Aether sings such beautiful songs, if you only stop and listen.

//The information on this page is strictly information that could be gleamed from records, asking around or by being in the same groups as Fire This means some of the information could be outdated. Best you ask her. :P

Citizenship record

Name:Fifire Fire
Birthday: 1554 - 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (25)
Citizenship status: Valid
Marital status:Single
Address: Apt 27-20
Relations:Father:Rararya Zezerya Mother:Fifili Fili

Birthname:Fifire FireWitness / Midwife Signature:Pruleane GraujieFather's Signature:Rararya ZezeryaMother's Signature:Fifili Fili

//At a glance

Age: Adult Mid 20's
Height: 2'9"
Build: Short, rotund like many of her kin. Fifire only stands out with her distinct lack of muscle definition and blemish less skin.
Hygiene:Well taken care of, clean hair, the faint smell of baked goods lingering around them.
Alertness: Carefree and hardly in the moment, always seems to be distracted by something.

//Asking around & Connections

Citizens of Ul'Dah
"She is always feeding the hungry, even when its costing her money and time."
"She works as a Chef for the Immortal flames"
"She is always finding someone to talk to, even if they look exhausted by it."
"Sometimes she seems lost, even though she knows the streets like the back of her hand."
"Born and raised here, her father works for a member of the Syndicate, her mother is a merchant."
Vendors of Ul'Dah
"A decent negotiator but once she has made up her mind on price its her way or no way."
"Has a keen eye for more unique items, often holding them up her ear before offering to buy anything."
"Sells some of the best baked goods you can get on short notice."
"Says that lost artifacts belong to the ancestors of those people, not private collectors."
"Always wants to know where the goods she is buying are sourced from."
Vendors of Limsa
"Does not visit often but brings unique goods."
"Has excellent taste in fresh produce,fish and meat."
"Asks alot of questions about local goods and services."
Members of the Culinarian Guild
"Takes after her father and is an excellent Chef"
"Has focused on baked goods, but does not slouch in other aspects."
"Has mastered the basics and excels at cooking for the masses."
"Makes a bit more of a mess than the other cooks."
Members of the Botanist Guild
"A nature lover at heart."
"Talks to her plants."
"Seems to enjoy relaxing in the garden more than the gardening itself."
"Seems distracted when not focusing on a specific task."

[Early Life]

Ul'Dah can be rough, cutthroat even. From a young age Fifire was told "The markets are filled with sharks, don't let them know you are a minnow." Raised by a cunning merchant and a loving Chef Fifire had many promising aspects in life, her mother had connections across Eorzea, her father had friends in high places and the both of them had plenty enough gill to live comfortably. With her first words and steps would come her training, shadowing her mother at work in the markets. Over time she learned tricks of the trade, developed an eye for what was valuable and what was a knockoff. After she was old enough to hold a knife and work by the fire Fifire would join her father at work when not with her mother, developing the basic skills of the culinary arts and a love for it.

[Teens to Early Adulthood]

When she was old enough to choose her path in life Fifire choose that of a Chef, to follow in her fathers footsteps and refine her skills, aiming to become a Chef worthy of even the royal plate. She would work with her father in private kitchens helping to feed the elite of Ul'dah. Over time she saved what gill she could, putting away enough to pay for admission into both the Botanist Guild in Gridania and the Culinary guild in Limsa. It was there that her progress accelerated, studying hard and long hours Fifire made many trips between the city states honing her skills, absorbing what she could of their culture and growing as a person.After mastering the basics and proving her worth Fifire was able to land a job, feeding the ever growing army that was the Immortal Flames. When she was not busy helping to feed an army, she spent her time cooking for the less fortunate or helping to track down lost items that had been pawned off to less than reputable merchants.

[Present day]

There comes a time in everyone's lives that a door appears, the scary unknown hidden beyond. For Fifire that door was that of a museums, such a collection of history, art and culture for the sole purpose of preserving and displaying the past. Something stirred in her heart that day, her once small desires to reunite people with their lost trinkets and heirlooms grew into a dream of reuniting whole cultures with their history. She applied to many such establishments, but many had no use for a young Chef.

[Synesthesia | Aethersense]

Synesthesia is a phenomenon that causes sensory crossovers, such as tasting colors or feeling sounds. Some people describe it as having “wires crossed” in their brain because it activates two or more senses when there’s only a reason for one sense to activate.For as long as Fifire could remember she always heard soft hums and tunes, whimsical whispers she assumed everyone could hear. It was only once she began to sing and hum along that she would be questioned and discover that the unique tunes she heard were not normal. With the help of the Thaumaturgy guild she was able to train her senses and discover its limitations. Her unique sense was something not all that special and was rather a mutation of the typical mages ability to sense aether, for her it was more than just a 6th sense for the presence and density of aether.


Sexuality:Bi (Male Pref)
Contact:Approach OOC First. With either a /tell or discord. (utforreis)
What I like
Lore Adjacent/Adhering
Plot driven RP
Clear communication OOC
In game or Discord RP
I don't ERP on my Lalafell. (Linking my bun boi later)
No minors
No underage characters in romance/mature or dark RP.
No ooc flirting

